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Looks like I just had an encounter with a talented artist.

Pretty short VN, but, boy, does it look beautiful. The colours really compliment the dreamy/otherworldly mood. The rather slow music also fits the setting well. I started with the good ending ( had my suspicions about my host), but I collected the others as well. The lake one wasn't exactly what I expected. :)

Nice little game.

Tysm!!!! I'm mainly an artist so I'm glad that you liked the art! I've also been composing for awhile so it means a lot to have my music get any amount of recognition. I'm also really happy that you went for all the different endings because I had a lot of fun coming up with them! The lake thing was inspired by the idea that faeries have different consequences for people's actions and how sometimes even being seen as rude can be seen as being punishable by death to them.  

Thank you for this wonderful little game. 

Now i am prepared for an encounter! ;-)


I'm glad you liked it